© Robert Russell 2023
CryptoTrading Website for TradingView Improvements
Welcome, This website is under contruction and will be updated regularly. Please come back soon. It purpose is to suggest Improvement for the Trading Platform „TradingView“: https://de.tradingview.com REDDIT Link for the TradingView Communtity: https://www.reddit.com/r/TradingView/comments/18ho3en/suggestion_for_the_new_copy_trading_cente We are not associated with nor endorsed by TradingView. Suggestion for the new Copy Trading Center - Feature Request I have noticed that the interface for the copy trading center has changed today. It is still very cumbersome. The following information should be included on the front page of the center: A button to see if I actively copy the traders trades. the amounts for following in basis mode, i.e. the following amount and the max. amount. Before, i could sort by P&L, etc... this function is gone now, but it should be brought back since is very important. In extended mode, there should be a possibilty to choose if I want to follow Short/ Long trades or only Short Trades or Long trades. It is impossible to turn off short trades in a bull market. I have to manually restrict them to 2X. Please make it possible to choose to turn off Short or Long trades. Also, some German translations are wrong and misleading. Thank you very much, I am an IT-Consultant and trader and I would love to help you to improve this wonderful software. Please contact me at any time. Thanks
Following - Mode Settings It is impossible to change all induvidual settings for 198 Coins!!! We need a button to set all according to the first Coin. That would make an impossible job possible. here should be a possibilty to choose if I want to follow Short/ Long trades or only Short Trades or Long trades. It is impossible to turn off short trades in a bull market. I have to manually restrict them to 2X. Please make it possible to choose to turn off Short or Long trades.
Some ACCIDENT must have happended today on Bitget's Servers: The following trader's history is compeletly wrong. I am following this trader and when I go to his profile, it says that I am not following. When I look into my copy settings, I can confirm that I am actively following. Bitget's support is the worst I have seen, they just take your eMail address, give you a ticket number and I never get a solution.